Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Academische YouTube collecties

Educatieve videocollecties in YouTube zijn vaak moeilijk te traceren. Openculture presenteert een keurig overzicht van een 70tal gerenommeerde culturele, universitaire en media instellingen.
De belangrijkste universitaire channels nog eens op een rijtje:

*University of California - Berkeley
"Arguably the most substantive YouTube collection out there. Features a large number of free courses, plus numerous lectures given by important figures".

*Indian Institute of Technology/Indian Institute of Science
"Presented by the leading technology institutes in India, this collection features more than 50 free courses. Obviously has a strong technology/engineering bent".

* MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
"Makes available many of the videos produced as part of MIT’s leading OpenCourseWare initiative".

*Stanford University
"Newly launched, the collection already features a couple hundred videos, including several free courses".

*UChannel (Princeton)
"Spearheaded by Princeton, this collection aggregates quality videos coming from a consortium of major universities".

Het overzicht wordt regelmatig geupdate. Makkelijk bij te houden met behulp van RSS.

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