Tuesday, November 30, 2010

QR codes. Van analoog naar digitaal

The Barcode News met "The perfect marriage of phsysical and digital".

Citatie-analyse: kwaliteit boven kwantiteit?

Michelle Pirota in Elsevier's "Researchtrends" met Popularity or prestige: Are you making the right impact?.

"When researchers compile resumes quoting indices such as the h-index and citation counts, they often mention any prestigious journals they have published in. This is natural; even if your paper receives no citations, simply being admitted into a leading journal confers an element of prestige on your career.

However, have you ever wondered who is actually citing you? Being cited by your colleagues and junior researchers in your department is one thing, but what if your academic hero cites your work? Imagine finding out that your paper was read and acknowledged by the leading researcher(s) in your field; would that not be a more valuable indicator that your ideas are valuable? And what if a Nobel Prize winner cited your work in his or her next paper? How many “lesser” citations would you exchange for this single endorsement?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gebruik social media bij conferenties

Mashable over hoe social media in te zetten bij conferenties in: HOW TO: Use social media to enhance your event

De geschiedenis van social media

History of Social Media
Bron: Skloog blog

Tim Berners-Lee over de dreigende gevaren voor het Web

Tim Berners-Lee in Scientific American met Long live the Web: A call for continued open standards and neutrality.

"The Web as we know it, is being threatened in different ways. Some of its most successful inhabitants have begun to chip away at its principles. Large social-networking sites are walling off information posted by their users from the rest of the Web. Wireless Internet providers are being tempted to slow traffic to sites with which they have not made deals. Governments—totalitarian and democratic alike—are monitoring people’s online habits, endangering important human rights."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sugata Mitra: Hole in the wall

Sugata Mitra tijdens de Onderwijsdagen 2010 over "Minimally Invasive Education", voortgekomen uit zijn "Hole in the wall" experiment. Nog steeds zeer inspirerend en het bekijken waard!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hoe ervaren en gebruiken studenten weblectures?

Whitepaper van Echo 360 getiteld Capturing student perspectives about lecture recordings (13 pagina's). Men komt tot de conclusie dat:
1. Lecture capture is broadly used by students when given the option to do so
2. Lecture capture has a direct, positive impact on student comprehension and understanding, regardless of their course of study or enrollment status
3. Students view lecture capture as a very important course resource more often than any other technology or tool

Met betrekking tot aan- en afwezigheid bij de live colleges wordt opgemerkt:

Perhaps the most controversial issue surrounding the use of lecture capture technologies is attendance. The two principle considerations relating to attendance are:
1. To what extent does the presence of lecture capture encourage students to not attend class when they may have otherwise?
2. What is the impact of students not attending class if the fi rst consideration is true? Does it change the student’s learning outcomes, impact the professor or otherwise affect the students that do attend the class?

Het was echter nadrukkelijk niet de bedoeling van deze studie zich hierover uit te spreken, maar:

When asked about their class absences, 65 percent were absent less than two times during the term. Only 15 percent missed fi ve or more classes. Of those students who missed class, a decisive 97 percent said they used the lecture recordings to catch up.

Met dank aan: Michel Jansen.

Interactieve documentaire: Out My Window

Katerina Cizek presenteert de interactieve documentaire Out My Window. De kijker wordt een 13tal verschillende locaties geboden van waaruit een niet-lineair verhaal zich voltrekt. De kijker kiest. Een absolute must see!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Open Source and Free Software Directory

Wederom een goed stukje werk van JISC Digital Media: de Open Source and Free Software Directory, keurig gerubriceerd op Audio, Still Image, Moving Image, Cross Media en een restcategorie.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Waarom scholen creativiteit uitbannen

De RSA video van Ken Robinson is een excerpt van zijn lezing Changing paradigms (Duur: 55.20 min.)

Creatief met een beamer

Met dank aan: Is het nu generatie X, Y of Einstein?