Friday, July 3, 2009

Impact Factor en Eigenfactor

Alan Fersht over de meest invloedrijke wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, de wijze waarop deze kwalificatie tot stond komt en een mogelijk alternatief.

"Bibliometricians have introduced various scales of ranking journals; some based on publications, some based on usage as well, including the internet, using social networking analysis. Bollen et al. (1) recently concluded that no single indicator adequately measures impact and the IF is at the periphery of 39 scales analyzed. But there is a new parameter, the Eigenfactor™, which attempts to rate the influence of journals ( The Eigenfactor™ ranks journals in a manner similar to that used by Google for ranking the importance of Web sites in a search".

PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 2009, vol.106, issue 17, p.6883-6884.

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