Friday, May 27, 2011

International Gipsy Festival Tilburg

Dit weekend vindt de 15e editie van het International Gipsy Festival in Tilburg plaats. Op zaterdag spelen in de Interpolistuin verschillende Nederlandse bands die zich oriënteren op of laten inspireren door gipsy-muziek uit de Balkan. De entree is gratis.
Zondag trapt het Koninklijk Zigeunerorkest Roma Mirando om 13.30 uur af, om rond 19.30 uur te eindigen met een heuse Balkan Brass Battle tussen twee grootheden: Boban I Marko Markovic en Fanfare Ciocarlia.

Hier vast een voorproefje met deze hilarische trailer:

Social media: The end or start of a Golden Age?

Vivek Wadhwa in Businessweek met "Social media: The end or start of a Golden Age?".

"The Internet will not rot your brain—or those of your children. Web communications will better connect us all with the world, Vivek Wadhwa argues "

Monday, May 23, 2011

Internet en onderwijs: Een inleiding

Mooi inleidend stuk in The Next Web over recente ontwikkelingen in het gebruik van Internet ter ondersteuning van het onderwijs, in: "How the internet is revolutionizing education"

Research impact: Splashes and ripples

Internet Policy Blog wijst op het door JISC gefinancierde rapport van Erik T. Meyer, research fellow aan de Universiteit van Oxford, getiteld Splashes and Ripples: Synthesizing the Evidence on the Impacts of Digital Resources (met mogelijkheid tot raadplegen full-text)
Het rapport "moves beyond (the usual) anecdotal evidence to a more empirically-based understanding on a variety of impacts that have been measured by qualitative and quantitative methods"

Erik Meyer: "In the synthesis report we argue that “impact” is more than crude measures of number of visitors, or numbers of links. We recommend using a variety of qualitative and quantitative measures to understand the types of impacts resources have on research, teaching, learning, and for the wider public. The case studies in the synthesis report illustrate how both high-traffic sites and more specialized collections can demonstrate and enhance their impacts."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Value creation in communities and networks

Het Ruud de Moor Centrum, expertisecentrum op het gebied van de professionalisering van leraren, presenteert het rapport "Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: A conceptual framework"

" (the publication) presents a conceptual foundation for promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks. By value creation we mean the value of the learning enabled by community involvement and networking. Therefore we focus on the value that networks or communities create when they are used for social learning activities such as sharing information, tips and documents, learning from each other’s experience, helping each other with challenges, creating knowledge together, keeping up with the field, stimulating change, and offering new types of professional development opportunities."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Filmpjes in de les

Margreet van den Berg in haar blog "ICT en Onderwijs" met een keur aan relevante vindplaatsen van video's tbv onderwijs in
"Filmpjes in de les". Zeer de moeite waard!

Education and social networking

Jose Picardo met "The case for online social networking in education".

"In this post, I aim to challenge preconceptions regarding the use of online social networking in education and to provide an alternative, more positive discourse highlighting the many benefits modern means of communication can bring to education".

Monday, May 16, 2011


Judy O’Connell met "Digging into research" over de waarde van Zotero bij (literatuur)onderzoek.

Plagiarism has gone social

In de Wired Campus blog van de The Chronicle of Higher Education wordt een onderzoek besproken van de ontwikkelaars van de plagiaatdetectie software Turnitin, die stellen dat:
"social and user-generated Web sites are the most popular sources for student copying. Academic sites come in second, while paper mills and cheat sites are third".