Monday, March 21, 2011

Blackboard concurrent?

Coursekit is een door drie studenten ontworpen learning management systeem, dat niet, zoals bijvoorbeeld Blackboard, geconstrueerd is rond de docent, maar waar de student centraal staat.

Enkele quotes van de ontwerpers:

"Social is a big focus for us. Education benefits from discussion. Up until now, however, student interaction only happens within lectures, if even. We want to extend the class experience beyond lecture time."
- "Our calendar is robust but still simple. Each calendar item - lectures, exams, assignments - has content inside. There's a description of the item, relevant files, and comments, all in one calendar item."
- "We rethought what a syllabus looks like. It's ridiculous that most classes still have paper syllabi made in Microsoft Word. So we elegantly display all syllabus content with a quick way to jump from section to section".

Met dank aan: Stephen Downes

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