* Finding digital
media resources
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* Screencasting
Friday, November 18, 2011
JISC Digital Media: The Little Guides
7 things: MOOCs
"A massively open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to virtually any person—and as many of them—who wants to take the course. Course activities can be scheduled or asynchronous, and a fluid structure is valuable because students can choose their level of participation and many will do so in an à la carte manner. A MOOC throws open the doors of a course and invites anyone to enter, resulting in a new learning dynamic. Although this dynamic will make some students uneasy and will force instructors to rethink at least some of the elements of their courses, the MOOC can potentially alter the relationship between learner and instructor and between academe and the wider community. As MOOCs evolve, expectations and methods of presentation will likely crystallize, becoming more consistent and more predictable. Those enrolling in a MOOC are likely to discover learning at its most open on a platform that invites the world not only to see and hear but also to participate and collaborate."
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Video games in health care
"Although a great deal of media attention has been given to the negative effects of playing video games, relatively less attention has been paid to the positive effects of engaging in this activity. Video games in health care provide ample examples of innovative ways to use existing commercial games for health improvement or surgical training. Tailor-made games help patients be more adherent to treatment regimens and train doctors how to manage patients in different clinical situations. In this review, examples in the scientific literature of commercially available and tailor-made games used for education and training with patients and medical students and doctors are summarized. There is a history of using video games with patients from the early days of gaming in the 1980s, and this has evolved into a focus on making tailor-made games for different disease groups, which have been evaluated in scientific trials more recently. Commercial video games have been of interest regarding their impact on surgical skill. More recently, some basic computer games have been developed and evaluated that train doctors in clinical skills. The studies presented in this article represent a body of work outlining positive effects of playing video games in the area of health care".
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Activerend onderwijs mbv stemkastjes: Socrative
"De voordelen die je kan behalen door leerlingen/studenten tijdens de les vragen te stellen en ze (anoniem) te laten beantwoorden zijn talrijk, bijv.:
*je kunt testen wat leerlingen al weten van een onderwerp voordat je het gaat behandelen,
*je kunt je een beeld vormen van wat leerlingen van de les hebben begrepen,
* leerlingen kunnen zelf zien hoe ze presteren ten opzichte van anderen in de groep (daarvoor moet je uiteraard wel de resultaten van de stemming delen met de leerlingen),
* je kunt een discussie starten door de meningen over een onderwerp te peilen,
*je kunt met de leerlingen brainstormen door ze te vragen in een paar woorden hun ideeën naar voren te brengen".
Monday, October 10, 2011
Quixey: App finder
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Online boek: Eerste Hulp bij e-Onderzoek
"Dit boekje laat zien hoe je, zonder dure en ingewikkelde programma’s, slim kunt zoeken en documenteren.De nadruk ligt op slim zoeken, waarbij we vooral zullen kijken welke mogelijkheden Google biedt. Natuurlijk zijn er ook andere goede zoekmachines, maar Google wordt veruit het meest gebruikt en kan op dit punt het meest, vandaar. Een en ander wordt gepresenteerd aan de hand van acht casussen – onderzoeksvragen zoals studenten die tegenwoordig krijgen voorgelegd".
Uiterst leesbaar en leerzaam.
Online boek: Web 2.0 Tools in Education
Informatievaardigheden: Truth, lies and the internet
Men concludeert "that the web is fundamental to pupils’ school lives but many are not careful, discerning users of the internet. They are unable to find the information they are looking for, or trust the first thing they see. This makes them vulnerable to the pitfalls of ignorance, falsehoods, cons and scams".
Het 59 pagina's tellend rapport is gratis te downloaden
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Self-plagiarism wordt gedefinieerd als "a type of plagiarism in which the writer republishes a work in its entirety or reuses portions of a previously written text while authoring a new work".
"Writers often maintain that because they are the authors, they can use the work again as they wish; they can't really plagiarize themselves because they are not taking any words or ideas from someone else. But while the discussion continues on whether self-plagiarism is possible, the ethical issue of self-plagiarism is significant, especially because self-plagiarism can infringe upon a publisher's copyright. Traditional definitions of plagiarism do not account for self-plagiarism, so writers may be unaware of the ethics and laws involved in reusing or repurposing texts."
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Video games in het onderwijs
Hier spreekt Ntiedo Etuk bijvoorbeeld over het gebruik van video games in het onderwijs.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Kennisclips in het onderwijs
Friday, June 24, 2011
"Ons jaarboek leidt u in vier delen langs de themas die bij ons centraal staan. Het eerste deel benadrukt het belang van de aandacht voor het professionaliseren van leraren. In deel twee kijken we scherp naar wat de mogelijkheden en belemmeringen voor professionalisering. In het derde deel draait het om het gebruik van nieuwe instrumenten voor professionalisering: Leraar24 en Wikiwijs. In het laatste deel bekijken we de tot nu behaalde onderzoeksresultaten en blikken we vooruit!"
Friday, May 27, 2011
International Gipsy Festival Tilburg
Zondag trapt het Koninklijk Zigeunerorkest Roma Mirando om 13.30 uur af, om rond 19.30 uur te eindigen met een heuse Balkan Brass Battle tussen twee grootheden: Boban I Marko Markovic en Fanfare Ciocarlia.
Hier vast een voorproefje met deze hilarische trailer:
Social media: The end or start of a Golden Age?
"The Internet will not rot your brain—or those of your children. Web communications will better connect us all with the world, Vivek Wadhwa argues "
Monday, May 23, 2011
Internet en onderwijs: Een inleiding
Research impact: Splashes and ripples
Het rapport "moves beyond (the usual) anecdotal evidence to a more empirically-based understanding on a variety of impacts that have been measured by qualitative and quantitative methods"
Erik Meyer: "In the synthesis report we argue that “impact” is more than crude measures of number of visitors, or numbers of links. We recommend using a variety of qualitative and quantitative measures to understand the types of impacts resources have on research, teaching, learning, and for the wider public. The case studies in the synthesis report illustrate how both high-traffic sites and more specialized collections can demonstrate and enhance their impacts."
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Value creation in communities and networks
" (the publication) presents a conceptual foundation for promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks. By value creation we mean the value of the learning enabled by community involvement and networking. Therefore we focus on the value that networks or communities create when they are used for social learning activities such as sharing information, tips and documents, learning from each other’s experience, helping each other with challenges, creating knowledge together, keeping up with the field, stimulating change, and offering new types of professional development opportunities."
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Filmpjes in de les
"Filmpjes in de les". Zeer de moeite waard!
Education and social networking
"In this post, I aim to challenge preconceptions regarding the use of online social networking in education and to provide an alternative, more positive discourse highlighting the many benefits modern means of communication can bring to education".
Monday, May 16, 2011
Plagiarism has gone social
"social and user-generated Web sites are the most popular sources for student copying. Academic sites come in second, while paper mills and cheat sites are third".
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Toegang tot wetenschappelijke informatie
"he addresses the insanity (immoral) aspects of today’s knowledge-blocked publishing system. I think even the staunchest capitalist to the most devoted socialist can agree that the system of knowledge access fostered by closed journals is antithetical to research, health of science, and knowledge growth. It’s an outstanding presentation", aldus Georg Siemens in elearnspace.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Delen met Snip.ly
Snip.ly is meer dan een URL verkleiner. Deze tool biedt de mogelijkheid specifieke tekstpassages te delen via Twitter of Facebook.
Plak de URL van de webpagina waarvan je een gedeelte wilt gebruiken in de applicatie. De complete tekst verschijnt dan op het scherm. Highlight de te delen passage en voorzie deze van commentaar (optioneel). Je kunt nu kiezen op welk medium je de passage (plus mogelijk commentaar) wilt delen: Twitter en/of Facebook.
Maak je geen gebruik van deze optie, dan genereer je in ieder geval een nieuwe (verkorte) URL voor dat specifieke stukje tekst. Ook handig!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
The basics of video editing
* Part I: Getting to Know Your Editing Environment
* Part II: Creating a Project, from Start to Finish
* Part III: Effects and Color Correction
* Part IV: Preparing and Encoding Your Video for Delivery
* Part V: Additional Resources
Google Scholar vs commerciele wetenschappelijke databases
"This empirical study found that more than five years after its debut in November 2004, Google Scholar is able to retrieve any scholarly journal article record from all the publicly accessible Web sites and from subscription-based databases it is allowed to crawl. From February to April 2010, four hundred randomly selected records of scholarly journal articles from eight databases were used in test-searching Google Scholar. Only two records were not retrieved by Google Scholar. The result was 100 percent retrieval for six databases and 98 percent for the other two databases. This is a dramatic improvement compared with some below 50 percent coverage found in 2005. With this kind of coverage improvement by Google Scholar, information professionals should reevaluate its value and values of subscription-based abstracts and indexes".
Waarom Scholar na 7 jaar (!) nog steeds een betaversie is, blijft echter een raadsel.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Directory of learning Tools 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hoe blijf je op de hoogte? RSS
Web 2.0 tools and guides for teachers
How The Internet Works
Monday, March 28, 2011
The music in me
Monday, March 21, 2011
Harvard Thinks Big en Cambridge Ideas
Blackboard concurrent?
Enkele quotes van de ontwerpers:
"Social is a big focus for us. Education benefits from discussion. Up until now, however, student interaction only happens within lectures, if even. We want to extend the class experience beyond lecture time."
- "Our calendar is robust but still simple. Each calendar item - lectures, exams, assignments - has content inside. There's a description of the item, relevant files, and comments, all in one calendar item."
- "We rethought what a syllabus looks like. It's ridiculous that most classes still have paper syllabi made in Microsoft Word. So we elegantly display all syllabus content with a quick way to jump from section to section".
Met dank aan: Stephen Downes
Blogs en bloggen
"Adopting an interdisciplinary scope, this paper presents a review of research on blogs and blogging within the social sciences and the humanities. It maps out what kind of research has been completed, how it has been performed and what gaps that might need to be filled in this relatively new area of research. More specifically, the paper will analyze all articles on blogs and blogging published until 2009 and indexed by the ISI Web of Knowledge".
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Hoe de impact van een conferentie te verhogen
Monday, February 28, 2011
Social media en wetenschappelijk onderzoek
"A new survey shows that social scientists, humanists, and biologists -- many of them frustrated by traditional publishing -- are increasingly using Facebook and Twitter to share research." "Researchers are using social media tools to support every phase of the research lifecycle: from identifying research opportunities to disseminating findings at the end. They may not be the same tools, and they are certainly not the same researchers, but social media are most definitely making an impact on scholarly workflow."
Doceerstijl en weblectures
"Video and live performances differ, not unlike spoken and written language. The video is on your permanent record, the lecture is here only for today. Might we see lecturing styles change to look better on the video, possibly to the detriment of the live performance?"
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Digitale media in een quiz
"Quizzes are one of many types of assessment tool used, as a component in a course’s learning objectives, to test learner knowledge, skills and ability. The use of quizzes can be seen as an alternative to exams and written coursework. Because of the multitude of potential ways of implementing a quiz there are many opportunities to use digital media, which will be explored in this advice document."
Monday, February 21, 2011
Gebruik multimedia in medische publicaties
ICT‐gereedschappen voor de leerkracht van de 21e eeuw
voor de leerkracht van de 21e eeuw" een fraaie vertaling gemaakt van Michael Zimmre's “Tools for teachers of the 21st century”. Doe er je voordeel mee!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Peer review
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
E-journals: use, value and impact
Qwiki is (nog maar) een multimedia encyclopedie voor standaard vragen. In ieder geval, fraai vormgegeven en aantrekkelijker dan de enkel op tekst gebaseerde encyclopedieën. Wanneer gebruikers in de toekomst nog zelf materiaal kunnen toevoegen, is voor deze tool een gouden toekomst weggelegd. Een absolute aanrader!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wetenschappelijk publiceren en de consequentie van een naamsverandering
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Toekomst van social media
Monday, January 24, 2011
The structure of the world-wide music scene
Tools for the 21st century teacher
Handige snelle tool die het mailen van files naar jezelf tot het verleden laat behoren. Je hebt 2GB gratis tot je beschikking. Bright Hub geeft Top Tips for Using Dropbox at School.
Auteursrechten - Creative Commons
Creative Commons biedt auteurs, kunstenaars, wetenschappers, docenten en alle andere creatieve makers de vrijheid om op een flexibele manier met hun auteursrechten om te gaan. Met een keuze uit zes standaardlicenties bepaalt de maker in welke mate zijn of haar werk verder verspreid en bewerkt mag worden, en onder welke voorwaarden dit mag. (Lees meer)