Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Harvard Magazine publiceert een fraaie inleiding over onderzoek naar netwerken.
"The study of networks can illustrate how viruses, opinions, and news spread from person to person—and can make it possible to track the spread of obesity, suicide, and back pain. Network science points toward tools for predicting stock-price trends, designing transportation systems, and detecting cancer."

Commentaar van Georg Siemens in zijn elearnspace:
"The last sentence is key in understanding where the use of networks in society is trending: the general understanding of network properties sets in place the ability to analyze, predict, customize, etc. what individuals experience. Networks are no longer a means of understanding the present or the past, but a means by which to understand (probabilistically) the future behaviours of individuals, markets, and cells, as well as the flow of ideologies and information. Analytics are the next logical point of interest in networks".

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