Friday, February 12, 2010

The state of social media around the world in 2010

Brian Solis over The state of social media around the world in 2010. Solis concludeert: "As we examine opportunities for global social networking, we are reminded that anthropology and sociology play critical roles in observing and documenting behavior, supporting cultures, and established governances for dictating how content, information, and relationships forge and flourish."
George Siemens reageert hier in zijn blog Elearnspace als volgt op: "True…except when the technologies that are being used globally exert a norming influence, subject cultural differences to the template of Facebook. Culture, and ways in which individuals position themselves within it, is multidimensional. To say that we are global because we all speak our own language in Facebook omits the reality that different cultures would devise a very different software platform (i.e. Facebook). We permit cultural voices to express ideas, but the space in which this occurs normalizes all culture to a template".
Hoor ik iemand uit onderwijsland "Blackboard" roepen?

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