Monday, July 20, 2009


Larry Sanger (mede-initiatiefnemer Wikipedia en tegenwoordig Citizendium) lanceerde onlangs de betaversie van een nieuwe video directory voor lerenden, genaamd WatchKnow.


1. Students will be able to consult the database for "instant tutoring" on almost any topic taught. This would help students who didn't understand an in-class explanation of a topic, who are studying for a test, who missed a class due to illness, or who want to explore related topics that aren't taught in class. By hosting multiple video explanations of the same topics, we hope to accommodate many different learning styles. The project could also be a useful free resource for unschoolers and home schoolers.

2. Teachers will be able to use the database to get fresh ideas about how to approach material, and classes could be assigned to watch certain videos. We hope that teachers would examine the variety of successful teaching styles and learn from the models how to improve their own teaching. Finally, we hope that, if the project is successful, it might raise the public awareness of good teacher training and technique, and help the public to recognize and honor good teachers.

Hier gaan we ongetwijfeld meer van horen ... en zien.

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