Monday, May 11, 2009

Blackboard rules?

Dat niet iedereen vrolijk wordt van de overnamedrift van Blackboard wordt nog eens duidelijk in het commentaar dat George Siemens in zijn blog elearnspace geeft op de overname van concurrent ANGEL Learning:

"University of Manitoba, during a recent LMS review, selected Angel as its new learning management system. In talking with faculty and others attending presentations by various LMS vendors, a clear "anything but Blackboard" view was evident. Disdain for Blackboard is higher than for any other company in the learning technology field. Which is unfortunate, because BB's reputation has been self-created by their litigation and anti-discussion stance (I was at a presentation a few years ago by BB and they refused to take questions after the session...which is, to me, an indication that the counter-perspective they are not willing to admit has merit).
BB has announced it is purchasing Angel. Their current strategy seems to be to win the LMS wars not by building a better product, but rather by acquiring competitors and using market dominance as a point of competition. And why not? It worked for Microsoft. It might be good for BB, but it's bad for our industry. This will, of course, only push adoption of Moodle (and possibly Desire2Learn). The other possibility is that the edtech field will get more serious about personal learning environments..."

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