Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Correlatie tussen citaties en downloads

De impact van een wetenschappelijk artikel wordt standaard gemeten aan de hand van het aantal citaties. Online tijdschriften bieden daarnaast de mogelijkheid om ook het aantal unieke downloads van een artikel vast te stellen. Andrew B. Watson beschrijft de mate van correlatie tussen de twee meetmethoden in zijn artikel Comparing citations and downloads for individual articles in het Journal of Vision.
Watson concludeert:
1. Overall correlation between total downloads and total citations of Journal of Vision articles is 0.74.
2. Citations and downloads increase with article age in a characteristic way, but relative to downloads, citations are delayed by about 2 years and reduced by a factor of about 45.
3. For papers published in a single year, the correlation is as high as 0.8, and usually above 0.6.
4. The correlation between age-normalized statistics of DemandFactor (downloads/year) and CiteFactor (citations/year) is about 0.62.
5. Download statistics provide a useful indicator, two years in advance, of eventual citations. Downloads are also a useful measure in their own right of the interest and significance of individual articles.

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