Friday, January 29, 2010

New perspectives on journal performance

Elsevier's Researchtrends publiceert in het januari nummer "New perspectives on journal performance"

"Research has long played an important role in human culture, yet its evaluation remains heterogeneous as well as controversial. For several centuries, review by peers has been the method of choice to evaluate research publications; however, the use of bibliometrics has become more prominent in recent years.

Bibliometric indicators are not without their own controversies (1, 2) and recently there has been an explosion of new metrics, accompanying a shift in the mindset of the scientific community towards a multidimensional view of journal evaluation. These metrics have different properties and, as such, can provide new insights on various aspects of research."

Met hierin aandacht voor SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) en Henk Moed's Source Normalized Impact per Paper(SNIP).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gezondheid en woonplek: Geo-medicine

Je gezondheid wordt bepaald door de plek waar je woont. Bill Davenhall over "geo-medicine".

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Onderwijs en Web 2.0

DE Oracle @ UMUC, het online learning magazine van de University of Maryland University College,presenteert Mapping Web 2.0 Benefits to Known Best Practices in Distance Education

"Recent research has confirmed and identified benefits to the use of Web 2.0 technologies within the online classroom. Such benefits can be mapped to known best practices from the distance education literature to help enhance and optimize their potential positive effects within the online classroom. This article outlines the suspected and documented benefits of Web 2.0 technologies and links them to known best best practices in distance education."

Five Minute University :-)

Cabaretier Don Novello, ergens eind jaren zeventig, over een nieuw universitair model.

Met dank aan:Open Culture.

The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology

The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology van de San Diego State University is een nuttig en gebruiksvriendelijk naslagwerk.

"The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (EET) is a collection of short multimedia articles on a variety of topics related to the fields of instructional design and education and training. The primary audiences for the EET are students and novice to intermediate practitioners in these fields, who need a brief overview as a starting point to further research on specific topics. Authors are graduate students, professors, and others who contribute voluntarily. Articles are short and use multimedia to enrich learning rather than merely decorate the pages."

Monday, January 25, 2010

KartOO. Site fermé

KartOO. Een van de eerste visuele zoekmachines is (waarschijnlijk, jammer genoeg) niet meer:

"Site fermé. Merci à tous ceux qui ont utilisé Ujiko et KartOO !"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Real-time zoeken

Computerworld presenteert een vijftal alternatieve real-time zoekmachines. In Real-Time Search: 5 Alternatives to Google, Bing passeren vervolgens Collecta, Leapfish, OneRiot, Scoopler en Thoora de revue.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everything you need to know about MP3

JISC Digital Media heeft een handleiding samengesteld, de User guide to MP3, over het maken, bewerken en gebruik van audiofiles van het populaire MP3 formaat.

"Most of us have experience of MP3 audio in some form, either through the internet, a portable audio player, a podcast, or in one of its many other incarnations. MP3 is one of the most widely used and accepted media formats in the digital world, and this advice document aims to explain in more detail what it is, how it works, and the features and options which the format offers to enable you to get the most from it.
We’ll also look at why MP3 is so popular, who its audience is, and its suitability to the pedagogic needs of audio in education".

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Rand presenteert A historical reflection on research evaluation studies, their recurrent themes and challenges

"This report presents a historical reflection on research evaluation studies, their recurrent themes and challenges, and their implications. It critically examines studies of how scientific research drives innovation and socioeconomic benefits".

Inspanningsverplichting voor studenten

Angela Maiers bericht over een inspanningsverplichting voor studenten in A Passion-Driven Teacher-Student Agreement.
Stephen Downes is hier terecht heel duidelijk over:

"Something counts as an "agreement" only if either party could change the wording or refuse to sign. Similarly, a "contract" requires free and willing consent from both sides. This eliminates from consideration pretty much everything called a student 'agreement' or 'contract' in education. If the students cannot refuse to sign (and let's face it, they can't) then it's a sham. Now maybe such agreements 'work' on some students (they certainly wouldn't work on me, as I don't ever feel obligated to honour an agreement extracted through coercion). But they are misrepresentative, and in my view, for that reason, they should not be used".

Bron: Stephen's Web

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

RSS in het onderwijs

Het Journal of Interactive Media in Education bericht over het gebruik van RSS in een course announcement systeem aan de Purdue University, maar ook in het algemeen, over mogelijke toepassingen van RSS in het onderwijs, in Really Simple Syndication (RSS): An Educational Approach.

Monday, January 18, 2010

PDF generator

Een eenvoudige online PDF generator.

Informatie is gevaarlijk

De NewScientist met een pessimistisch beeld over "te veel weten" in The dangers of a high-information diet.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fighting over the future of the Internet

Dave Clark in IEEE Computer over het snel veranderende Internet.

"For much of the Internet’s life, it has coevolved with the PC. The relative maturity of the PC could thus lead to the erroneous assumption that the Internet itself is mature. But as computing enters the post-PC era over the next decade, with mobile devices, sensors, actuators, and embedded processing everywhere, the Internet will undergo a period of rapid change to support these new classes of computing."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wat is werkelijkheid?

Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Demo from Stargate Studios on Vimeo.

"Welcome to the new world of digital filmmaking. Give this one a minute to get going".

Met dank aan Open Culture.

Effectief zoeken

Het degelijke Pandia Search Engine News attendeert op een tweetal research guides. Pandia's eigen How to search the Web en Springfield Township High School's Research Guide. Want:

"Teenagers are certainly digital natives and most of them are comfortable using computers for a lot of tasks. But even though they might seem like computer wizards compared to their parents thy are not very good at finding what they need online".

The Full Wiki

Weliswaar nog in beta, maar interessant genoeg om te vernoemen. The Full Wiki, een combinatie van Wikipedia en Google Maps.
Hier vast een voorproefje:

Learning Tools Directory 2010

Jane Hart heeft haar Learning Tools Directory geupdate. Verplichte kost voor iedereen die zich met onderwijs en ICT bezighoudt.

De drijvende kracht achter Google

Ik had al wel zo'n vermoeden, maar hier is dan eindelijk het ultieme bewijs.


Dan Pink over motivatie in 18 minuten.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Assessment industrie

In Small-Scale Assessment Makes the Grade doet Tod Farley uit de doeken wat er allemaal niet deugt aan de beoordeling van de prestaties van studenten op grond van een gestandaardiseerde test en met name de industrie die daarachter zit.
Farley is de auteur van het onlangs verschenen Making the Grades: My Misadventures in the Standardized Testing Industry. Hier een review van het boek uit de Washington Post.

The neurons that shaped civilization/TED/Pop!Tech/Big Think/Ignite

Vilayanur Ramachandran over zgn. "mirror neurons".

Naast het eerder genoemde en geroemde TED en Big Think bewegen ook Pop Tech en Ignite zich in de niche van, vaak geëngageerde, kennisdeling door middel van korte gestreamde lezingen van intellectuelen en experts.

Monday, January 4, 2010

De werking van searchengines

De Babson Libray van het Springfield College in Massachusetts presenteert een online handleiding over de
werking van zoekmachines.