Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Places & Spaces: Mapping science

Places & Spaces: Mapping Science "is meant to inspire cross-disciplinary discussion on how to best track and communicate human activity and scientific progress on a global scale. It has two components: the physical part supports the close inspection of high quality reproductions of maps for display at conferences and education centers; the online counterpart provides links to a selected series of maps and their makers along with detailed explanations of how these maps work. The exhibit is a 10-year effort. Each year, 10 new maps are added resulting in 100 maps total in 2014".
50 maps zijn inmiddels beschikbaar, verdeeld over 5 thema's:
*The power of maps
*The power of reference systems
*The power of forecasts
*Science maps for economic decision makers
*Science maps for science policy makers
De volgende thema's mogen we de komende jaren verwachten: Science maps for scholars, Science maps as visual interfaces to digital libraries, Science maps for kids, Science maps for daily science forecasts en tenslotte Telling lies with science maps.

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